Saturday, September 12, 2009

just like the Ys.

You see, I'm not blaming you.
I don't know your name, and not to say that I'm judging you.
Although, I must say- it's true.
No, it's not your skin colour.
I could care less about what you are wearing.
Too many tattoos? haha, no.
I must admit... you look like you have a Y chromosome in your gentic makeup.
Oh, is that right? I was just making a hunch.
Well then, that's it.
You can't fight something that you were born into.
You were born into a society that created you into a monster.
I know a couple people like you.
You know, they've got a Y chromsome as well.
I never got it, but I understand now.
I grew up hearing that your kind were 'assholes.'
I musn't lie. I grew up admiring certain things about your kind.
The ability to not give a damn about anything- I like that.
I'll never have a Y chromosome, you're right.
But, I can adapt a couple of your mental abilities, no?
C'mon, I can be just like you!
I'll take care of my mother, and I'll treat everyone else like they're shit.
I won't put anyone on pedestal, and I'll keep in mind that all I need in this life is me.
If one person screws me over, I'll keep it moving.
I'll realize that I have flaws, and embrace the fact those flaws are what make me beautiful.
and if someone doesn't see it, they can keep it moving until they hit a rock that helps them to trip right out of my life.
See, you people with the Y chromosomes really are quite smart,
I don't know what people are talking about!
Next time I hear an "asshole" comment about the Ys,
I'll defend you...

because I want to be just like the Ys, they've got their head screwed on the right way.