Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I fkd you.

I grew from the pain you put me through.
I realize the shit you made me do
& I guess now I'm through.
I say it like I made the ultimate decision
& I always wonder why there's no long term relationship I can never stay in,
But I call your bullshit from early, there's no need to stay here.
There's no need to play games and
there's no need to wonder in fear.
You were "genuine" from the beginning.
Quoting every sweet song you've ever heard,
And sounding out every little letter in every little word,
Holding me close and looking into my eyes,
And whispered so sweetly those genuine lies.
You let go of me so quickly.
You ran away from me like you hit me.
Hit and run, I feel like you should've gotta ticket,
But for breaking and entering, you started then quitted.
You began and said f*ck it,
You ran and then stuck it,
& I won't even sit here boohoo crying and say I regret what you made me do
Because through the moans, the screams, and the bed shaking, I f*cked you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

just like the Ys.

You see, I'm not blaming you.
I don't know your name, and not to say that I'm judging you.
Although, I must say- it's true.
No, it's not your skin colour.
I could care less about what you are wearing.
Too many tattoos? haha, no.
I must admit... you look like you have a Y chromosome in your gentic makeup.
Oh, is that right? I was just making a hunch.
Well then, that's it.
You can't fight something that you were born into.
You were born into a society that created you into a monster.
I know a couple people like you.
You know, they've got a Y chromsome as well.
I never got it, but I understand now.
I grew up hearing that your kind were 'assholes.'
I musn't lie. I grew up admiring certain things about your kind.
The ability to not give a damn about anything- I like that.
I'll never have a Y chromosome, you're right.
But, I can adapt a couple of your mental abilities, no?
C'mon, I can be just like you!
I'll take care of my mother, and I'll treat everyone else like they're shit.
I won't put anyone on pedestal, and I'll keep in mind that all I need in this life is me.
If one person screws me over, I'll keep it moving.
I'll realize that I have flaws, and embrace the fact those flaws are what make me beautiful.
and if someone doesn't see it, they can keep it moving until they hit a rock that helps them to trip right out of my life.
See, you people with the Y chromosomes really are quite smart,
I don't know what people are talking about!
Next time I hear an "asshole" comment about the Ys,
I'll defend you...

because I want to be just like the Ys, they've got their head screwed on the right way.